Sunday, September 18, 2005


Fellow web citizens, we observe today not a victory of one man, but a celebration of freedom- symbolizing an end as well- signifying renewal, as well as change. This entry marks the end of Sage’s blogging silence, and the beginning of web based Sage bloggging madness. Do not for one instant believe that this blog was created out of some narcissistic foolishness, something that would befit a lesser blogger. Neh, the impetus behind the creation of this blog is akin to the divine inspiration spawned immortal art.
So take to the streets young readers! Kick your heels together and sing a jolly tune, fore today is the day that your web surfing woes are slain and its filthy carcasses are tossed into the gutters!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you have begun this long awaited blog.

Anonymous said...

Pleasant Memories must be arranged in advance.