Thursday, November 03, 2005

Manchester United Game

Manchester United
After class, a large group of us rushed off to a Manchester United versus Paris’s Lille Football game at Staid du France (right around where the riots started out). Yili, Michelle, Sara and I split off from the group to drop by St. Michele for Falafel and some Chinese food. Sara was a lifesaver and carried my bag back to the dorm.
En route to meet Courtney at Chatelet, we came across some stereotypical Manchester United fans: shaved head/bald males of varied ages, missing teeth, covered in denim, drunkenly yelling obscenities and soccer chants at passersby.
We got out of there and found Courtney at Chatelet and road up north. When we arrived, we were greeted by an unprecedented (at least in my experience around Paris) show of Police force. Many battalions of riot gear clad police glared us at, after that we met the police on horses, then finally we got into the gates where we were frisked.
We got to the game where sad Brits notified us that they were not serving real beer (for obvious reasons), but most of the ManU fans were drunk and dangerous enough already. We didn’t heed their warning, and we bought some awful non-alcoholic beers for far too much money.
The chants were hilarious, when the Parisian area started a wave that went full round their end of the field the Man U fans stopped it with their version of flicking people off and a resounding “FUCK YOU!” I couldn’t understand most of the chants, they yelled them while balancing on the ledge and pounding the fences, but when Paris scored their winning goal, the ManU guys were booing and throwing their stuff onto the field.
The Yili, Michelle and Courtney were all cheering for our Parisians, but I unfortunately choose to go with the losing team, ManU.

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